Our Story
I am the youngest of 4 girls. Lets call us 1,2,3 and 4. Being #4, 1,2 and 3 pretty much took care of me throughout my younger years. I was diagnosed with Diabetes at age 13. Most of my life has been spent dealing with what and when to eat.
#3 is the sister that I was closest to in both age and attitude. The one I felt I could talk to about almost anything.
#2 was just that when we were growing up. "I am #2(poop implied)." We laugh about it now. She was the one that seemingly ruined all the fun but, honestly if she wasn't so hard on me then I wouldn't be as strong as I am today. She is my rock.
#1 of course the born leader. She carried me everywhere we went. I feel she took all of the artistic abilities being the first born as I can't even draw stick figures when it comes to any kind of artwork.
Now each of us has had our personal trials but, we have all helped each other get through it. One major set back was when #1 had a heart attack that led to a stroke. Of course we all came together to help her, working hard for a while to get her back to normal. Hoping she would eventually get back to her happy artistic self. She never gave up and now, not having most of her movement on her right side, she paints with her left hand. Originally being right handed, she still paints each of us a beautiful floral birthday card every year.
A few years ago #2 was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She fought like a champ and is now cancer free. Then I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on my first mammogram. Not an easy road but, I had my rock, #2! She really helped me through this one. Early detection is the key, get checked ladies!!
Now being a single breast survivor and having Diabetes for 40 years, I am looking to start a new challenge in the hopes of spreading both awareness and happiness.
My idea is to bring #1's fabulous artwork to the world letting everyone know that life can be beautiful after a major set back.
My three goals…
1) Raising awareness---Stroke victims can still accomplish beautiful things.
2) Breast Cancer awareness---early detection is a life saver for everyone it touches.
3) Bring joy and happiness to everyone, one gift at a time.
The first thing I had to do was to get #1's approval to use her artwork in my designs. She is such a giver. "Happy to help." she says. The second is to start a business so I can begin to show the world how beautiful life can be.
Eventually I am hoping to bring awareness to these major set backs and all those dealing with them.
Please join us on this journey and sign up for emails so we can share every new design with every nature lover out there. Kari #4